National Navigation Award Scheme (NNAS) Bronze and Silver Training
11th March 2017, 9:00 - 12th March 2017, 17:00
Auchengillan Outdoor Centre is offering Navigation training at the Bronze and Silver levels of the National Navigation Award Scheme (NNAS).
As well as leaders who are aiming to gain their Hill Permits this course would suit any Scout or Explorer Scout leader who teaches or has an interest in navigation. It would also qualify Beaver and Cub Leaders to teach and assess Young Navigator Star Awards. The Young Navigator Awards will equate to Navigator Badges stages 1 and 2.
The Bronze Award is the benchmark navigation qualification for anyone doing Bronze/Silver DofE expeditions and Silver Award for anyone doing a DofE expedition in Wild Country. NNAS Bronze Award is now SCQF accredited.
Silver NNAS gives good basic navigation skills meaning trainees would be well placed thereafter to develop their skills up towards a Scout Permit holder level.
See here for more details of the Scheme.
The course will run between 9-5pm both days.
Cost is £20.00 for Scouts and £75.00 for external candidates, free camping, packed lunch required, refreshments provided. Outdoor clothing, kit, and footwear etc will be required, as if going out on the hill. To book please email Auchengillan Outdoor Centre.