Ovenstew 2011
25th - 26th March 2011
The 72nd Glasgow Group are putting on their group show on the evenings of Friday 25th and Saturday 26th March in the Gilchrist Theatre, Kelvinside Academy.
This will be the seventeenth Ovenstew, (the name is an anagram) spread over three series of shows, each series in a different location.
The show follows a gang show format including a number of Ralph Reader songs.
Tickets (£6) can be obtained from Janet Ogilvie, 112 Essex Drive, Glasgow, G14 9PD (sae please)
Tickets for parties of 8 or more from scout groups can be obtained price £5 per ticket from Jim Peebles, 66 Beechwood Drive, Glasgow G11 7HQ (sae please)
Please make cheques payable to 72nd Glasgow Scout Group.