Young Leader Training Weekend

30th January 2015, 18:45 - 1st February 2015, 16:30

Young Leader Training Weekend

Do you have any Explorers looking to complete their young leader training? Rannoch ESU and Great Western District have a few last minute spaces left on their Young Leader Training course at Auchengillan Outdoor Centre this weekend.

This course is now open to all young people in Clyde Region.

The weekend will cover Modules A-J of the young leader training course, and the cost of £25 includes accomodation, activities and catering. After completing Module K and the four Young Leader Missions, explorers are awarded the Young Leader Belt, an award which is recognised by the Institute of Leadership and Management. For more info on the Young Leader's scheme, click here.

For more information please email Nicholas Divers


Phone: 0141 248 6022

Address: 21 Elmbank Street, Glasgow, G2 4PB

