Scouting Amabassador Lord Coe's Visit

3rd August 2011

Scottish Scouting has been given an opportunity to showcase our activities to Scouting Ambassador Lord Coe when he visits Glasgow in August.

Lord Sebastian Coe is a double Olympic champion and 12-time world record holder in athletics, as well as the chairman of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG).

The Scout Association has recently been granted LOCOG’s Inspire Mark for its 2012 Olympic Project and following on from that, Lord Coe is keen to see some of the great activities that scouting offers.

The visit will take place on Wednesday 3 August 2011, between 1pm and 3pm at the 113th Glasgow Scout Hall.

It is hoped to get ~150 young people from Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorer Scouts and Scout Network along to participate in some sporting games and activities and there will then be an opportunity for questions and answers with Lord Coe.

If you would like to being some young people along please email Graeme Hamilton and Carslaw Purdie with details of which Group you are from and how many young people you will be bringing.


Phone: 0141 248 6022

Address: 21 Elmbank Street, Glasgow, G2 4PB

