Celebrating Burn's the Scouting way
1st February 2012
The 36th Glasgow Scout Group held their 16th annual Burn's recently with their beavers, cubs, scouts and explorer scouts coming together for a joint evening.
The group held its first Burn's Supper in answer to a question from a scout who, after coming to Scotland from France, joined our troop 16 years ago. He wanted to know what a Burn's Supper was so they decided to show him and have done it every year since.
The teddy bear that you will see in the pictures is part of a school project where pupils have to take turns to 'care' for the bear for a weekend and take him everywhere with them, so he ended up at scouts for the evening, he loved the haggis and joined in with the entertainment, alongside some members of the district team.
At the end of the evening, the district chairman, Jim McLaren presented 2 wood badges to leaders who had recently completed their training, Alan Mitchell and Mark McMahon and Peter McMahon who was presented with his Chief Scout's 30 Year Service Award. Congratulations to them all.
Thanks to Peter McMahon for the story and pictures.