Gone Home: Ian Fletcher

23rd September 2010

Gone Home

Clyde Region was sorry to learn of the passing of Ian Fletcher earlier this month.

Ian was born into a family with long connections with Scouting and Guiding so it was no surprise when he joined his local Cub Pack aged 8 and Scouting played a big part in his life from there on.

For many years, Ian was Cub Scout Leader at the 139th Glasgow where he ran a thriving Pack, ensuring that young people got the most out of the programme and summer camps around the UK were always the highlight of the year.

Not content with running his Pack, Ian was ADC (Cub Scouts) and actively supported other Packs around the District, visiting them to support new leaders and organising District events.

As well as volunteering in his Group and District, Ian had a long association with Glasgow Gang Show having been part of the Stage Crew team then latterly chairing the show's Business Committee, overseeing the finances and administration for Gang Show.

Despite the challenges that his health regularly set him, Ian lived life to the full and got the most out of everything that he got involved with.

Ian was called to higher service on 12 September 2010 and nearly 100 Scouting friends joined with his family to give thanks for someone who was always ready to help others and who enriched the lives of many.

He will be sadly missed and our thoughts are with his family at this time. 


I was in the 139th cub and scouts in the 1980 to 1990s. Ian was all ambassadors just like his father doctor fletcher. God rest your soul on the day of our queen funeral. R.I.P.

Stuart McPhee - 19th September 2022 at 12:38pm

I knew Ian as a friend since 1970's and spent many happy times with him. He also managed to get me back into scouting when the 139 needed assistance and I'm sure he said he'd take me to see his beloved rangers if I agreed to help. I helped him but he didn't fulfill his side of the deal and it saddens me that his life was cut short. Ian put more into his life than many and most of his efforts were centred on making others happy. Spike

Iain Macleod - 19th August 2016 at 8:50pm

Heard about Ian's untimely death from the Hutchie magazine but didn't know how to pass my condolences to the family. I was the 139th cub leader back in the late 60's early 70's and have many fond memories. Ian was always on hand & was especially enthusiastic with the boys football!
My fondest regards to Rena Katrina (nee Leitch)

Katrina Clarke - 25th March 2014 at 11:03am

upset to here this news even after these years have photos from years ago with ian in my tent at auchengillan with 139th group remember the guy as a star to say the least rest in peace many a happy time with him in my childhood.Even although have just come across this news will have to go and wipe the tears from my eyes.

Colin Mclaughlin - 06th January 2014 at 3:55am

Email: info@clydescouts.org.uk

Phone: 0141 248 6022

Address: 21 Elmbank Street, Glasgow, G2 4PB

