Looking for some help to plan an overseas trip?
27th April 2015
Are you thinking about taking your young people abroad? Or would you like do so in the future? Uncertain as to how to go about it? If so this workshop is for you.
The one day session covers:
- How to ensure your trip is compliant with the Visits Abroad
- Practical exercises on planning a successful trip
- Building a leader team and contingent
- Youth Involvement
- How to deal with the unexpected
- Capitalising on your trip upon your return
Each course has a limit to 20 places so book now to confirm your place.
23rd May 2015 - South East Region - Edinburgh HQ, Valleyfield Street, Edinburgh
24th May 2015 - South West Region - Barcaple Christian Outdoor Centre, Castle Douglas
6th June 2015 - Highlands and Islands Region - Kingsmill Hotel, Inverness
7th June 2015 - North East Region - SRUC, Aberdeen
20th June 2015 - West Region - Venure to be confirmed
21st June 2015 - Clyde Region - Clyde Regional Scout Council, 21 Elmbank Street
Date to be confirmed - Forth Region - Venure to be confirmed
Date to be confirmed - East Region - Venue to be confirmed