Clyde Development Project gets under way!
5th August 2010
Earlier this week, we were delighted to welcome Marie Clare McLinden to the Regional Office in the newly created post of Local Development Officer.
Marie Clare will be with us for the next 3 years, supporting the development of Scouting and recruiting adult volunteers across the Region.
I'm sure that everyone will join with me in welcoming Marie Clare to this exciting new post and I asked her to tell us a bit about herself so that you can get to know her so over to Marie Clare!
'After studying at University, I worked as an Environment Officer in Glasgow East Regeneration Agency. I delivered educational activities and workshops to young people and I worked with the local community to help them develop their greenspace and this encouraged and taught people about how to care for and improve their local environment.
I am really excited to be part of the Scouts and I'm looking forward to the new challenges this will bring. I have already had experience volunteering with the Guides in Motherwell where I have enjoyed working with the young people to complete badges and challenges as well as work with the wider community. I have gained some great experiences from this, including learning to bake which, along with making jewellery which is now a hobby I love to do at home.
I can't wait to meet and start work with everyone involved across the region where I will be able to learn much more about the Scouts as well as learn some new skills along the way.'
Marie Clare can be contacted in the Regional Office and at
Welcome to Glasgow Scouting. I wish you every success in your new post.
William Goldie - 18th August 2010 at 9:51am