Clyde Scout in Scottish Powerchair Football Winning team
8th April 2014

We were excited to hear recently that one of our Scouts, Jack Twist, was a member of the winning team in the Scottish Powerchair Football League! Jack, who was a member of the Clyde Alba Team, emerged as one of the winners after a series of matches at the Ravenscraig Regional Sports Facility.
One of our Scout Network members, Ben Miller, was also a competitor in Team Clyde and did very well, only being pipped at the last minute by Team Alba.
Powerchair football consists of two teams of four using powerchairs equipped with foot guards to attack, defend, and spin-kick a 13-inch football in an attempt to score goals.
The sport began in France in the 1970s and has since spread around Europe and the rest of the world. It is a sport recognised by the International Paralympics Committee but has yet to be represented at the Paralympics.
Each chair is set at a speed of 6km per hour, meaning no player has an advantage and must rely on skilful manoeuvring and quick reaction times to gain an edge.