Almost There!

28th February 2009

Almost There is an opportunity for adults to complete the learning for the following adult training modules:

  • Module 11 - Administration (Section Leaders)
  • Module 12 - Providing a Balanced Programme
  • Module 13 - Growing the Movement (Section Leaders)
  • Module 14 - Young People Today
  • Module 15 - Challenging Behaviour
  • Module 17 - Activities Outdoors
  • Module 18 - Practical Skills

Participants will be expected to be at Auchengillan for the full weekend from Saturday morning until late afternoon on Sunday.

The cost for this course will be £45 per person which should be sent in, with the application form.

If you would like to join this course, please download and complete an application form, from the adult support page of the website.


Phone: 0141 248 6022

Address: 21 Elmbank Street, Glasgow, G2 4PB

