204th Explorers hunting for Czech treasure
30th July 2012
15 Explorers form the 204th Glasgow have recently completed a 2 day Treasure Hunt in the Czech Republic capital of Prague.
The Explorers were split into 2 teams, before leaving the UK and were posted out clues that eventually led them to Edinburgh Airport, they had no idea which country they were going to until they received their boarding cards.
On arrival in Prague they stay at a local hostel. Over 2 days the teams competed by travelling all over Prague using the Metro, Trams and Buses to find landmarks, crack clues and puzzles and learn a great deal about Prague itself.
Both team leaders were in mobile contact at all times with the leaders using local sim cards, which allowed them to check on their progress.
This is a bi-annual event for the 204th with previous treasure hunts being in Frankfurt and Dublin.
Thanks to Gerry Durkin for the pictures and story.