Celebrating the Cubs 100 Birthday with the ‘Wildest Party’ with the 43rd Glasgow
23rd November 2016
#Cubs100 celebrations are in full swing across Clyde Region as our excited and enthusiastic Cub packs join our global family celebrating the milestone occasion.
At the weekend the 43rd Glasgow Cubs pack threw a wild birthday party inspired by the Jungle Book for all to attend
Party prep and planning was done weeks in advance with the Cubs, parents and volunteers all helping to craft a jungle kingdom King Louie would be proud off. They sculpted their very own jungle throne and waterfall – specially designed using foil paper.
The crafty group used old cardboard boxes and items around their hall to set the scene and with some creative decorating and panting made it a great one!
They played traditional party games including Pass the Parcel. The Cubs took part in a Balloon Stomp which involved tying balloons around each player’s leg and challenging the group to burst someone else’s balloon, the last Cub standing is the winner. Pin the ‘nose’ on Baloo, went down a treat and the Cubs enjoyed their party Piñata.
An extra special Cubs 100 cake, round of Happy Birthday and of course posing for party pictures finished off the evening and captured the fun.
Well done all!
Check out the 43rd Scout Group Facebook page to find out what other events they have coming up.