New Assistant Regional Commissioner (Section Support)
5th August 2013
The Regional Commissioner, Stuart Imrie, is delighted to announce that he has appointed Stuart Hunter to the role of Assistant Regional Commissioner (Section Support).
This is a newly designated role on the Regional Team with a remit to coordinate and oversee the work of the ADC's, supporting them in their work with Scout Groups. The role is more of an administrative, convening role, providing effective communication with Scottish Headquarters, rather than an active programme and event lead.
Commenting on the appointment, the Regional Commissioner said 'I am delighted that Stuart has agreed to bring his enthusiasm for Scouting to this newly established post. Whilst it will no doubt be challenging to start a totally new role in the Region, Stuart brings his wealth of experience gained with the 29th Glasgow to the role of ARC (Section Support).'
Stuart’s appointment took effect from 1 August 2013.
In accepting his new challenge, Stuart commented 'I'm excited to have been appointed to this new role and look forward to assisting ADC’s throughout Clyde support their Beaver, Cub and Scout sections.'