Paddling in Glasgow's City Centre
19th October 2019
The last session of canoeing and kayaking at Pinkston for 2019 took place on October 1st after another busy year and here,Scout Active Support Manager, Don reflects on their activities.
Our last Groups were from 2nd Larkhall and 144th Glasgow having fun paddling on what was a very cold night. The Groups both accepted this late date having had to postpone their sessions due to unforeseen circumstances with the watersports centre at Pinkston earlier this year.
So what makes 2 full sessions of Scouts come paddling on a dark October night you may ask?
Or even more what makes the Scout Active Support volunteers give up their time away from there own family and Groups?
Quite simply its a fun time with a different approach to build your learning of paddlesports on the water. No matter what your age and ability we have something to offer at Pinkston. Our core teaching surrounds kayaks and individual paddling. We also do canoeing on occasion and this often suits our younger members who would struggle to paddle as an individual so they learn that it is often better to paddle as a team.
Don asked Lindsey the leader from 2nd Larkhall to write about her first experience coming as a group in the summer.
'2nd Larkhall Scout Group took up the opportunity to try the watersports activity at Pinkston in May. For some of the Group it was their first ever session of this kind. The instructors were great, first spending time out of the water getting familiar with the equipment and giving everyone a chance to ask questions. We weren’t kept waiting to get on the water and soon got to put things into practice.
The instructors got us through the basics, everyone quickly gaining confidence on the water and they soon had us performing basic manoeuvres in our kayaks. As the session progressed, we were encouraged to have fun and played some games.
Even though our group was a mixture of Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders, we were all able to take part and no one was made to feel left out.
The final task involved ‘rafting up’ which proved tricky for some and tested our confidence but no one was made to do anything they didn’t want to. Perhaps it helped, when I demonstrated how to fall in!'
Thanks to all for making it another memorable season at Pinkston and we look forward to another one next year.
If you are interested in bringing your group next year or are interested in the work of our Active Support Unit to gain further paddle skills please get in touch