The latest from our Development Project
11th March 2011
It's now just over 7 months since our Local Development Officer Marie Clare joined us and here, she tells us about some of the positive work that she is doing to help grow Scouting in Clyde Region…
Recruiting Young People and Adults at Schools
I have been working with some Groups in South East District who have low numbers of young people in a few of their sections. By visiting local schools and talking to young people at assemblies and in classes about the Scouts they were able to find out more about their local Group and find out what happens in their section.
To get a Beaver colony up and running the leader and I visited two schools and delivered workshops that included games, crafts and a talk about the Beavers. Within a few weeks the colony is now successfully running and numbers are growing every week.
Place an advert on Volunteer Development Scotland Website
When out and about in the Region and visiting Groups one thing that comes up time and time again is the need for volunteers. Adverts for volunteers have been placed on the Do-it website and with the Job centres throughout the Region. If you are in need of some volunteers a good place to start is to place an ad with the Volunteer centres and this can be done through the Volunteer Development Scotland website. Get in touch with me and I can assist with this and the recruitment and retention of new volunteers.
New Groups
I have been working with St David's Primary School in Plains and we hope to open a new Group in May, starting with a Beaver Colony. I recruited volunteers at Parent's evenings and activities that involved Parents at the school. All of the volunteers are new to Scouting so I have been working with them to help them learn how to run a Group. We have visited two Beaver colonies and are now in the process of planning the programme for when the Group starts.
If you would like some assistance in your Group or District you can download the expression of interest form from the website or contact me direct by calling 0141 248 6022 or email at
Just like 2 comment on how much maireclaire helpf me get my beavers up and running a big thank 2 marieclaire x
Linda - 15th March 2011 at 12:32am