A night of celebration for 30th Lanarkshire (St John's Church) Scout Group
18th October 2017
The 30th Lanarkshire (St John's Church) Scout Group recently held a night of celebration and fun involving all sections in the Group as they held their recent Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The AGM was very well attended and the Executive Committee were pleased to accept new members offers to help with the running of the Group. Official business was swiftly concluded so that the focus of the night could turn to fun and celebration, with the Beetle Drive acting as a focus for the evening and providing an opportunity to raise over £130 for the Group.
In between rounds five new Beaver Scouts were invested, followed by seventeen new Cub Scouts which is a record for the Group if not in the District or Region.
Group Scout Leader Judy Trayner was delighted to perform another first for the Group, the award of the Chief Scout's Platinum Award to two members of its partnered Explorer Scout Unit.
Judy said 'the 30th Lanarkshire Scout Group is going from strength to strength, our new Beaver colony already has over 20 Beavers as well as a waiting list and we invested SEVENTEEN Cubs tonight. I was very proud to award two Chief Scout's Platinum awards to two young people who are a fantastic asset to our Group and who are good role models for our younger members.'