Our Volunteers & Staff

Scouting is a volunteer led organisation.

At a Regional level, the Region is managed and run by The Regional Team which is made up of volunteers who provide support to Scout Groups and Districts across the Region, in their particular area of speciality/expertise

The Regional Lead and their team are supported by a small employed staff in the Regional Office, at Auchengillan Outdoor Centre and The Glasgow Scout Shop.

To contact a member of the team by email, click on their name or click here to have an email passed to them if there is no hyperlink to their direct email address.

Please note that the email addresses on this page are to enable volunteers in local Scout Groups and Districts to make contact with the Regional Team and they must not be used for commercial purposes.

Marion Rankin

Regional Lead

Kieran Forbes

Regional Youth Lead

Regional Executive Team

Scott Ballantyne

Regional Chair

Michele Hughes

Regional Vice Chair

Stuart McGhie

Regional Treasurer

Regional Support Team 

Peter Hobson

Communications Lead

Fhi Roberston

Auchengillan SASU Manager

Pauline Hollinsworth

Avondyke SASU Manager

William Craw

Coltswood SASU Manager

Donald Cook

Pinkston SASU Manager

Regional Development Team

Duncan Williams-Buchanan

Transformation Lead

Jennifer Highton

Training Lead

Maureen Boyle

Training Lead

Regional Programme Team

Stuart Hunter

Activities Adviser

Ewan Gray

Duke of Edinburgh Awards Adviser

Harry Kilgour

Duke of Edinburgh Awards Adviser

Joe Lally

International Advisor

Regional Staff Team

Katrina Watson

Chief Operating Officer

Diane Gillespie


Gillian Stewart

Accounts Assistant

Kate Stitt

Admin Assistant

Auchengillan Outdoor Centre

Claire Taylor

General Manager

Ryan Boyle

Assistant Manager

Glasgow Scout Shop

Martin King

Shop Supervisor

Sean Skilling

Sales Assistant

Derek Chisholm

Sales Assistant

District Leads

Neil Kelly

District Lead - Calder

Kyle MacMillan

District Lead - Clydesdale 

Gillian Caldwell

Acting District Lead - Eastwood

Ian McPherson

District Lead - Great Western 

Stephen McMillan

District Lead - Kelvin Valley 

Eddie O'Rourke

District Lead - South East 


District Lead - South Western

Gary Ward

District Lead - Strathcalder

Email: info@clydescouts.org.uk

Phone: 0141 248 6022

Address: 21 Elmbank Street, Glasgow, G2 4PB

