Blantyre Cubs working on John Muir Award
19th July 2013
The 78th Lanarkshire (3rd Blantyre) Cub pack recently completed a sleepover whilst working towards their John Muir Discovery award.
During a busy weekend the Cubs spent the day at Redlees urban park and practised their scouting skills which included navigational skills by completing a "John Muir" geocaching task, practised their firefighting skills and finally they practised their canoeing skills in the quarry and finished the day with a game of laser quest.
After an early rise it was off to Chaterhault country park to complete a conservation task with the park ranger, Susan McNiesh. A short hike followed and the Cubs then removed tree guards that were starting to damage the trees they were initially there to protect. Some time in the playpark followed and then it was time for home and a well earned sleep!