Celebrating our young peoples top awards
25th January 2021
Whilst 2020 might have been filled with challenges, the resilience of Scouting has stood out for families right across our local communities.
We know that adapting our programme was challenging but our young people have continued to grow and develop as they completed their badges and awards and that is a huge testament to you, our volunteers.
Ordinarily, we celebrate the achievements of Scouts, Explorer Scouts and members of Scout Network during November but we were unable to do that last year.
We are now inviting you to submit details of young people from all sections who have completed top awards during 2020 and during March, we will showcase a video online sharing the achievements of our young people.
Please use this form to tell us about the young people who have completed their awards. To allow us to make the celebration something more than a list of names, we are asking for photos and favourite memories from young people when they worked towards completing these.
Thank you for all that you are continuing to do to deliver Scouting to our young people, it is greatly appreciated.