Could you help support the trail to Squirrels?
1st June 2021

Scouting is now beginning to gather interest to be a part of the first cohorts of Squirrels, our new early years provision.
We know that volunteers have many other priorities and Squirrels might not be one of them at the moment but we're keen to to make sure that there's the right support in place to, particularly in communities where Scouting is currently under-represented.
To help us do this, we're looking to appoint an Early Years Adviser who will work with the Regional Commissioner and District Teams, supporting discussions and local planning.
The Early Years Adviser will be a member of the Regional Team who'll be a fixed term primary point of contact with the HQ Early Years team and who will help all of us to start preparations for Squirrel Scouting. The role is not to advocate for early years or to deliver the opening of new provision, but will support Districts to consider if the time is right for them to start or not.
The Early Years 'Adviser' will:
- Be trained on Squirrel Scouting, the cohort roll out approach, what has been learnt from the pilots, support and tools available, badges and programme, recruitment of young people and adult volunteers, via webinars.
- Be provided with reports and insight data on current reach into areas of deprivation and under-represented communities for your County.
- Plan for new provision to prioritise communities where Scouting is currently under-represented, especially SIMD 1-5 and Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities
- Help with initial preparation and planning providing a pathway for others in the County who'll be opening provision in future years.
- Receive ongoing support from the HQ Early Years team with opportunities to share learning and best practice, that shape the national approach and digital tools developed.
- Bring your District teams together to facilitate accurate and informed conversations on Squirrel Scouting and establish initial level of interest. Where Districts decide they want to start new provision this year they'll hold discussions with their own Groups and update their District plans if appropriate.
If you are interested in this role, please contact Marion or Gary for further discussions.