Hillwalking and High Ropes Update
20th July 2011
The Operations Sub-committee at UKHQ has agreed improved rules for hillwalking and new rules and guidance for high ropes activities (which includes crate stacking) within Scouting. Details of what has changed and the reasons behind it can be found at www.scouts.org.uk/activitiesupdates.
The new rules and guidance for high ropes activities are for implementation by 31 March 2012 to ensure those running activities have time to make any updates to their operation. Until then, members should refer to the January 2011 version of POR (PDF download here) for high ropes activities.
The updates to hillwalking are for implementation immediately as they don't place any restrictions on activities that were happening within the existing rules.
This follows lengthy reviews, consultations and pre-launch checks with the Movement. The changes have been designed to remove some of the barriers that have been identified, and provide support, where none previously existed, in running these activities to ensure their continued, safe provision for our members.