Operation 'dog poo' for Blantyre Cubs
21st March 2013
The Cubs at 78th Lanarkshire(3rd Blantyre) have been using Redlees urban fringe park on Blantyre Farm Road for many of their outdoor activities and had become concerned about how much dog fouling there is around the quarry area.
So they decided to put their concerns into action!
Working in partnership with Community Links, the Cubs came up with an action plan to highlight the problem within the quarry itself. As part of an activity day, the Cubs designed and placed their own posters around the quarry and also used environmentally friendly paint to highlight some of the dog fouling in the area. On the day, several dog walkers commented about the dog fouling issue and congratulated the Cubs on their efforts to reduce the problem.The cubs are currently working towards their John Muir award and will use this project as part of their achievement.
In addition to this project the Cubs also cleaned out the birdboxes in preparation for the new nesting season and practiced their firelighting skills and outdoor cooking