St George’s Day Awards
2nd April 2014
Clyde Region was delighted to learn that the Chief Scout has recognised the contributions of the following adults with a St. George’s Day award in 2014:
Kathleen Campbell, Group Section Assistant, 126th Lanarkshire (5th Airdrie) It’s never polite to mention a lady’s age but it has to be said Kathleen is now in her 81st year and still active in Scouting. She has given a lifetime of commitment to young people and continues to be involved in a range of activities on a weekly basis - a true inspiration.
Andy Wilson, Manager, Auchengillan Andy has been a member of the Scouting movement for 40 years and is a well-known member of the Scouting community. He has been Manager at Auchengillan for over 20 years and is continually making improvements and introducing new activities ensuring that the centre never gets tired or stale for its visitors.
Gillian Caldwell, GSL, 35th Glasgow Gillian has held a variety of roles in Scouting and for the last 20 years, she has been GSL at the 35th Glasgow where she works supporting a team of leaders who deliver the programme to the Group's young people every week. In 2013, she rose to the challenge of leading the team that delivered Auchengillan Jamboree and she is currently the SHQ Commissioner for Adult Training where she takes a strategic lead on the support for volunteer training across the country.
Liz Findlay, GSL, 24th Glasgow (Bearsden) For many people Liz Finlay is the 24th Glasgow. Her incredible drive and dedication to the group, her support for it’s leaders and her commitment to pushing the group forward has yielded great improvement in the groups meeting place and a hugely successful active group of over 300 young people.
Christine Ford, Group Scout Leader, 94th Lanarkshire (9th Coatbridge) Christine has been a member of the organisation for over 40 years now, holding a variety of roles within her group. Her approach could best be described as quiet and unstinting - always getting the job done and leading those around her by example. Her encouraging manner has inspired many and there are many of her ex cubs who are now leaders.
Bill Linley, Group Executive Chairperson, 1st East Kilbride Bill is a highly motivated and pro-active member of the Scouting movement in Strathcalder district, always looking ahead and striving to provide the best Scouting experience for it’s young people. He has just had a particularly busy year co-ordinating a variety of events to celebrate the 1st East Kilbride’s centenary year.
Ed Morrow, GSL, 1st East Kilbride Ed has dedicated more the 40 years of his life to Scouting in East Kilbride. He now oversees one of Strathcalder’s largest groups which has in the past few years doubled in size. He has brought in new leaders and steered them through the appointments process and training in order to cater the rising number of young people. He is also a keen supporter of all district events.
Peter Ritchie, Group Chairman, 28th Glasgow (Giffnock) Peter joined the 28th Glasgow in the 1960s and has never left. Over the years he has held a variety of roles both in the group and in Eastwood district which he has always carried out meticulously using his natural practicality. Now Group chairman he recently organised a dinner for over 200 current and ex members to celebrate the groups centenary.
Rhona Robb, Cub Scout Leader, 28th Glasgow (Giffnock) Rhona’s warm, caring nature and lively personality is reflected in her approach to Scouting. Able to engage well with adults and young people she leads by example and is able to inspire interest and enthusiasm in all around her. She has been an active supporter of several Auchengillan jamborees turning her hand to many activities.
Simon Robb, District Explorer Scout Commissioner, Eastwood Simon is definitely an active Scouter who likes putting the out in Scout. He is passionate about keeping young people in Scouting and as DESC in Eastwood he facilitates a smooth transition from troop to explorer unit and is keen to engage explorers as young leaders.
Phyllis Taylor, Cub Scout Leader, 80th Glasgow Phyllis is a well loved and respected leader at the 80th Glasgow. Her enthusiasm for Scouting as part of the community is reflected in the way she goes about her business - creating strong links between the sections, between parents and the group and between group and district. No mean feat but Phyllis achieves this through quiet persistence and her warm friendly approach.
Kenneth Robertson, Explorer Scout Leader, Eastwood Kenneth has been involved in the delivery of Scouting in Giffnock for more than 20 years and has worked with Cubs, Scouts and Explorer Scouts. Kenneth's most recent achievements include running 2 Explorer Belt expeditions to North America, leading a Unit to the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Sweden and in 2011, he took on the role of Deputy Chief Commissioner (Programme) at SHQ which has seen him supporting the development of our youth programme.