Vacancy for Assistant Regional Commissioner (Adult Training)

1st June 2018

Later this year, Ann Gordon will step down from the role of Assistant Regional Commissioner (Adult Training) after more than a decade in post.

We're looking for a successor to step in to this important role that supports our volunteers to be equipped wth the skills to carry out their roles in Groups and Districts across Clyde.

The main tasks of this role are:

  • Create and manage an annual calendar of training events including dates, venues, participants numbers and staffing.
  • Manage a group of Regional Trainers, including ensuring that they have completed appropriate training.
  • Support and advise Assistant District Commissioner's (Adult Training) in our 8 Districts.

A more detailed role description and nomination form can be found here.

The programme of adult training for 2018/19 has now been agreed and the new post holder will have time to liaise with Ann before she steps down.

If you'd like to discuss this role, nominate someone or express an interest in it, please contact Gary in the Regional Office by Monday 18th June.


Phone: 0141 248 6022

Address: 21 Elmbank Street, Glasgow, G2 4PB

