Volunteer vacancy for Scout Active Support Adviser
22nd October 2013
Flexible volunteering opportunities form a key component of Scouting's strategy for increasing our volunteers.
This can be in part, supported by the development of Scout Active Support Unit's whereby adults can be recruited into a team or pool of people who can be available to support local Scouting, without necessarily making a weekly commitment.
We're looking to recruit a Regional Adviser (Scout Active Support) which is a key role to provide practical support and assistance to District Commissioners and Group Scout Leaders in order to establish, manage and develop Scout Active Support units.
The core tasks of this role will include:
- To promote the benefits associated with establishing Scout Active Support Units at Group and District level within the Region.
- To provide practical support and assistance to the Regional Commissioner, District Commissioners and Group Scout Leaders to establish, manage and develop Scout Active Support Units and to ensure they remain fit for purpose.
- To be the recognised point of contact at Regional level on matters relating to Scout Active Support.
If you have a passion for supporting volunteering or know someone that does, please click here for a copy of the role description, person specification and nomination form which should be completed and returned to Gary Bainbridge by Friday 22nd November.